Inside the Visitor Center at Port au Choix National Historic Site
Take a trip back into Newfoundland’s far distant past and learn about the very first peoples to discover the bounty of this beautiful island.
A go-guide for travelers to 'The Rock'
Take a trip back into Newfoundland’s far distant past and learn about the very first peoples to discover the bounty of this beautiful island.
Time has a way of passing gently on the Great Northern Peninsula, inviting the luxury of ambling along your way. Whales, icebergs and timeless fishing villages capture the imagination, as both ancient history and breath-catching beauty unfold around you in astonishing 3D.
The Port aux Choix Peninsula juts into the Gulf of St. Lawrence from the Great Northern Peninsula on Newfoundland’s northwest coast. It’s an area steeped in ancient human history, and though the route is short, a trip down Port aux Choix Lane is long on unique sights and memorable experiences.
Man has inhabited this rock for the past 5000 years, and some of the most significant archaeological finds attesting to this habitation have been unearthed in the small community of Bird Cove, on Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula.